Brands that are Made in USA need your support. Products Made in USA generate more jobs in the United States of America, and when people who make their products in the US order materials from US suppliers, that leads to more jobs still. By growing the manufacturing base in the US, the US economy becomes more diversified and less dependent on sectors that are prone to extreme cycles of boom and bust, like the financial industry. It also represents the continuation of a tradition of leather-work that began hundreds of years ago in the United States.
Purchase Handbags from Companies that Manufacture in the United States
Some great brands that manufacture their handbags in the US include Be & D, Corrente, and Hayden-Harnett.
Tell the World you Proudly Support Handbags Made in the USA
Handbags Made in the USA are made with care, using quality materials, and with fair labor practices. The handbags are not shipped from overseas, and use parts made locally, so they contribute far less emissions. Your purchase supports the local economy, encourages fair labor standards, and helps prevent global warming. Spread the word!